Enjoy your stay with us! Your home away from home.


Reservation & Cancellation Policy

  • Rates start at $175/night based upon double occupancy
  • Special offers are only valid at time of offering
  • 2 night minimum stay
  • Contact us for availability of single nights.
  • King size bed
  • Extra guest, $40/night
  • $60 flat fee in case of 2 beds for two people
    (2nd bed is Queen size)
  • Children 12 and older welcome as an extra guest ($40 night)
  • We do not accommodate children under the age of 12 .
  • Max. 4 guests, including children
  •  Sorry, no pets
  • We reserve the right to cancel the reservation if  circumstances dictate to do so. Full refund will be issued.
  • Deposit,50%of total amount, required at time of booking. Remaining balance due 3 weeks prior to arrival.
  • No refund for cancellation of reservations unless we are able to re-book. A 3% CC fee and $50 admin. cost will be deducted.
  • You may consider obtaining cancellation insurance
  • Special diet breakfast options (e.g. vegan, gluten free) are not available.
  • Check in between         3-8 pm
  • Check out by 11 am 
  • Damage beyond normal wear and tear will be charged at cost of repair or replacement to the credit card.


  • We do not allow smoking/vaping of any kind inside the guest house. If smoking/vaping is detected your stay will be cancelled. No refund will be issued.
  • Burning  candles inside is not allowed
  • You can count on  our utmost care in everything we do to make your stay enjoyable and safe!



901 Mersea Rd. 7, RR5, Leamington ON N8H 3V8 • 1-519-999-9945  info@bbduckpond.com                     


Enjoy your stay with us! Your home away from home.


Reservation & Cancellation Policy

  • Rates from $175/night based on double occupancy
  • Special offers are only valid at time of offering.
  • Two night minimum stay
  • Contact us for availability of single nights.
  • King size bed
  • Extra guest, $40/night
  • $60 flat fee in case of 2 beds for two people
    (2nd bed is Queen size)
  • Children 12 and older welcome as an extra guest ($40/night)
  • We do not accommodate children under the age of 12.
  • Max. 4 guests, including children
  •  Sorry, no pets
  • We reserve the right to cancel the reservation if  circumstances dictate to do so. Full refund will be issued
  • Deposit, 50% of total amount, required at time of booking. Balance due 3 weeks prior to arrival
  • No refund for cancellation of reservation unless we are able to re-book. A 3% CC fee and $50 admin. cost will be deducted.
  • You may consider obtaining cancellation insurance
  • Special diet breakfast options (e.g. vegan, gluten free) are not available.
  • Damage beyond normal wear and tear will be charged at cost of repair or replacement to your credit card.
  • Check in between 3-8pm.
  • Check out by 11am.


  • We do not allow smoking/vaping of any kind  inside the guest house. If vaping/smoking is detected your stay will be cancelled. No refund will be issued. If the guest house is put out of use due to smell and/or damage, the full daily rate as listed on this site will be charged to your credit card, along with a cleaning fee.( To be determined by the owner)
  • Burning  candles inside is not allowed
  • You can count on  our utmost care in everything we do to make your stay enjoyable and safe!

901 Mersea Rd. 7, Leamington ON N8H 3V8 • 1-519-999-9945
